Sunday 12 July 2009


we're a good few weeks into the summer now, and i'm still loving it as much as i was when i last posted. spending nearly every day with the boy, mainly just lazing about and not doing a lot. it's been lovely. i've discovered that, when scott's at work, i actually don't have a life. i sit around at home being bored and cleaning to pass the time. i'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. send in your answers on a postcard.

i've been trying to sort out somewhere to live for next year and trying to sort out where i lived last year - it's been a bit difficult. i feel bad because i've been so focused on trying to sort the old house out that jessie has been doing most of the calling around for the house next year, but we've got 2 viewings tomorrow which i'm very excited about. i'm really looking forward to next year actually and i think it will be nice just living with one other person that i really get on with. i'll keep you posted on how the house hunt goes.

my blackberry should be arriving tomorrow.
the next harry potter film is out this week.
i will definitely get to the science museum at some point in the next month - i am determined!
i'm listening to stephen fry's beautiful voice resonating from my itunes and the harry potter 7 audiobook.
i have incredibly awesome friends.
i have an insanely great family.
i am completely besotted with the boy, so much so i swear it borders on obsession.

life is wonderful at the moment, and i have a lot to be very very grateful for.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

the three hardest words to say

so i began to read the very old blog, and i decided that there was no point. nothing good could be gained from reading it. it's in the past, it's happened and there's no point dwelling on it. i still can't bring myself to delete it - but i will do soon.

i have realised that, for over a year now, i can safely say:


films, fun and sim families.

uxbridge. funtimes - didn't have the book i was after, but i figure i've got enough to last me for now. really want to read the great gatsby, i have it on good authority that it's good and i want to seem more cultured. might start the book kick tomorrow - we'll see how that goes with regards to sims. 
other than uxbridge, have spent the vast majority of the day with scott and rosie, either eating chinese, playing sims or watching vast numbers of films - sometimes a combination of the above simultaneously. all in all, it's been good. a true summer day, the likes of which i expect there shall be many more of in the few months to come - and i very much look forward to them.

also, just rediscovered the first of the many blogger blogs on here. a nice bit of bedtime reading that will be later - JOY.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

sims 3 and the hangover

so i went to a birthday party on saturday and drank far too much as usual, meaning i spent the vast majority of sunday with my head in a toilet - but it was worth it. today i played sims 3 ALL day and then scott came over and we played some more sims 3.
the summer is here and i'm excited. got confirmation from the camping people today, and i have definitely got to start really looking for flats for next year. probably should have started sooner but nevermind. we will be fine. tomorrow, i shall spend in uxbridge with scott, hopefully hunting down the roger penrose book of glory. 

[it was a no makeup day - i can only apologise.]

Thursday 11 June 2009

none of maxwell's equations were written by maxwell

my last exam tomorrow - electromagnetism and optics. it's funny how every single person in my class thinks they're going to fail, myself included. the lectures were confusing, the lecturers even moreso, but i'm going to go into it thinking i can pass. i'm more likely to get things right if i go in feeling confident. i'm so excited that exams are finished and the summer starts tomorrow, i really have a good feeling about this year. i'm excited to be going home, spending time with great people and having lots of amusing times - i REALLY want to go to the science museum. i don't know why, but it came into my head randomly yesterday and now i really want to go. i haven't been there since year 10 so it might be cool. drag scott along, i'm sure he'll enjoy it, although maybe not. 

i should probably get back to revision. it's the final exam - i may as well just throw everything at it. if it means staying up all night then so be it.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

we were one cell in the sea in the beginning

wow, so it's been quite a while since i even attempted one of these things, but i'm bored and should be revising so now seems like the perfect time to give it another go. plus, all of my previous blogs have been all miserable and depressing and it gets old after a while, so i thought it wouldn't be all that bad to have a blog when i'm actually happy with life as it is currently.

also, i came across this website today where you basically post a picture of yourself every day, and each photo shows how you're feeling at the time you take it - so you can see how your face changes over weeks, months, years etc. i thought it was quite a nice idea, but it seems a bit pointless to do it on some arbitrary website so i thought i'd do it on here.
at least once every three days or so, i'll post a picture, and probably blog a bit too depending on time available etc - i'm interested to see how this turns out.

i started with an oldie, from a time where i wasn't really happy at all but tried to put on a brave face for everyone. now you all know what my "brave face" looks like, you pretty much own me.